Learn How To Ice Skate In 5 Minutes

Feb 19, 2023

So you have been invited to a party at an ice rink and now you are terrified that you're going to embarrass yourself in front of all your friends. Well there is absolutely no need to stress because we can have you ice skating in 5 minutes!  

We have a handful of simple steps that will take you from getting comfortable walking in your ice skates to gliding on the ice and enjoying yourself. What about falling over on the ice? Well fear not, because we will teach you that as well.  

This lesson is great for people who are about to go ice skating for the first time and are looking for some pointers so they can enjoy the experience.  In this lesson you'll learn:  

▶ The first things to do when getting on the ice 
▶ How to safely fall over and stand back up without hurting yourself 
▶ How to take the next step and begin gliding around the ice rink  

Happy Skating! 
- Mitch & Stacey

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