How To Wake Up Your Coordination System Before Figure Skating

Dec 10, 2023

When it comes time to practice, most skaters simply hop on the ice and start warming up. Not only is their body cold and not ready to move, but their coordination can often be asleep as well. Skaters will initially struggle with balance during the first few laps. They will trip over themselves and become frustrated. Leaving them wonder...."Why do I feel so off today?"   

If your training session sounds like this, the good news is that you haven't lost your skills. You probably just needed to wake up your coordination system a bit more before getting on the ice! Even though your body might be warm, you coordination might still be asleep. In this lesson, we will show you our three go-to exercises. These exercises have always helped us wake up our coordination before getting on the ice.  

The exercises will focus on quick movements, spinning, and jumping (with rotations). Everything a figure skater will need for a successful training session. So if you're tired of those sessions where you feel like you're in someone else's boots, then this lesson is for you!  

In this lesson you'll learn:  

- Why waking up your coordination system is so important 
- 3 exercises to try before your next practice session 
- What to watch out for trying these exercises before practice  

Happy Skating!  

- Mitch & Stacey

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