How To Connect Figure Skating Steps & Turns

Jan 01, 2024

Are you the type of skater who loves getting to the rink, practicing all your steps and turns separately, but never try anything new? You're ready to start connecting steps and turns together, you're just not sure where to start. Well the good news is that it's way easier than you think.  

In this lesson we're going to show you the process we use when connecting steps and turns. This process helps us when we're creating exercises, step sequences, or choreography. No matter what you're hoping to connect steps for, this process is sure to help.  

If you're ready to start connecting steps and turns together to add some excitement to your next practice session, this lesson is exactly what you need!  

In this lesson you'll learn:  

- The process for connecting steps & turns together 
- What steps you can use to make connections smoother 
- A fun exercise that includes multiple steps & turns connecting together  

Happy Skating!

Mitch & Stace

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