How Old Is Too Old To Start Figure Skating?

Nov 12, 2023

Have you ever wanted to start figure skating as a hobby, but always thought you were already too old to give it a go?  

Lots of people with figure skating dreams have this exact same dilemma. They've always dreamed of getting on the ice and having a go, only to have themselves or someone else talk them out of it. And it is always with the exact same reason......"As much as I'd love to start figure skating, I'm already too old to start. You have to start as a child".

Well in this lesson we're going to break down each age bracket and share our views and experience for what you can hope to achieve. Then it's up for you to decide whether or not it's too late!  

In this lesson you'll learn:  

- What skaters can hope to achieve when starting at different ages 
- How to use your goals to help determine if "you're too old to skate" 
- How to not let your age hold you back  

Happy Skating!   

- Mitch & Stacey

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