Figure Skating | Mastering A Loop Jump

Jul 09, 2023

When it comes to figure skating jumps, the loop jump might just be our favorite!

It has a smooth edge take off and can be added on as a combination to any other jump. It often gets overlooked for more exciting jumps like axel and lutz, but it definitely has a special place in our heart. Now even though we love it, mastering the loop jump can be quite tricky. A deep outside edge on the entry, with your feet crossed before jumping…it already sounds like a challenge. But no need to worry because we’re here to help! 

In this lesson, we’re gong to show you the simple steps to mastering a loop jump. From landing your first loop jump, learning how to do it with speed and then evetually trying it from a difficult entry. Plus we also threw in some extra helpful tips that are going to make mastering the loop jump a whole lot easier!   

In this lesson you'll learn:  

- 3 entries to help you grow your loop jump 
- The simple corrections that will help you land more loop jumps 
- How to know that you have MASTERED the loop jump


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