Welcome to Next Next Edge Tutorials!
Have you found yourself asking the following questions:
- “What skating skills should I be working on next?”
- "What equipment should I be using to get better?"
- "I can't skate every day, can I still improve?"
- "I didn't start skating until I was older, is it too late for me to be a good skater?"
If that sounds like something you have asked yourself, then you have come to the right place! It doesn't matter if you have been skating for years, or you are relatively new to figure skating, you want to be able to take to the ice and just skate with your favourite music playing. Now for the great news, it's not as hard as you think to get there.

How Next Edge Tutorials Can Help You Skate Better In Your Very Next Training Session!
If you're reading this, then you probably have all the equipment and training clothing ready to take to the rink and start straining like a pro. You just need a little help with what you should be putting your focus towards. You could try and figure it all out with trial and error. But who wants to spend weeks or months, if not years to learn the best methods? Instead...
Subscribe to Next Edge Tutorials and get a $20 PDF guide to training like a professional figure skater completely FREE.
You will get decades worth of our training, competing, coaching and studying all boiled down to the most simple and straight forward tips and tricks you need to go from boring, unproductive training sessions into huge progress that you can't wait to show off.

Let Next Edge Help You To Become The Figure Skater You Dreamed Of Being
That's all you have to do to start seeing results and a change in your skating!
As a bonus to our email subscribers we make sure we give the best information and content directly to you. Exercises and insight that we don't share anywhere else, because we know that the email subscribers are committed to taking action!
Stop Making The Same Old Excuses
There is no denying that figure skating is a very difficult sport to master, but we have a strong feeling that you don't care about being the Olympic champion......you would be happy with skating to your favourite music, showing off fun new skills you mastered and hitting your own personal goals.
If that is your dream then you have NO EXCUSES. You don't need new boots and blades, you didn't start to late, everything you want to show off on the ice to your friends and family is still achievable. You just need focus on the little details that are going to give you the big results that you've been searching for.
Next Edge Tutorials will help change the way you think about figure skating and have you excited to take to the ice!
If you're ready to get started then sign up for the email list and let's get to work.

A Little About Us...
We're Stacey Carter and Mitchell Chapman, two former competitive figure skaters who now coach full time in Brisbane, Australia. What started out as a love for the sport and the freedom to express ourselves on the ice evolved into inspire and helping the next generation of figure skaters achieve their goals on the ice.
If you want a simple understanding of how to get better on the ice, then you're going to love our way of coaching.
When you join our mailing, list you're going to get great content that is going to help you every practice session. You’ll also get our FREE PDF guide "6 Steps To Figure Skating Like A Pro"(worth $20)